Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wikileaks and the Revolution

I find it heartening to witness the mainstream media's apoplexy over the releases from Wikileaks. Even John Stewart is showing his true colors by his ranting dispelling the importance of the latest Wikileaks expose on his silly show the other evening. Since the mainstream media cannot sell it, and they can only report it, they are being disempowered even more. The freedom of the internet will force the revolution, and Wikileaks is the start. It is time that "we the people" take back our country from the evils that own it, our media and especially our leaders. It is time to expose them all.

Go ahead and throw Mr Assange in jail over trumped up charges. Do you really think you can stop the constitutional process of our rights to seek the truth? Do you think that he is alone in this quest to expose the evils in our government, and others. I guess the governments could attempt to shut down our freedom of speech rights, but then how would that play out?

I look forward to the next installment which will expose the true axis of evil "The Investment Banks."

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Getting started

Well then, just getting started here with all the page set-up and such. Since I am pretty techno-challenged, this process will take a bit to get it right. At any rate, today's post will be more involved with establishing a base-line for where this site is headed.

Over the years I've been fortunate to have experienced an abundance of adventures across our amazing planet! Now that I am approaching 55, I feel the need to reflect on some those experiences, and to share how they have shaped my philosophy. Hopefully these tales will prove worthy of your time.

I may, on occasion, ramble politique -usually the result of enjoying some vino tinto- If these ramblings seem misguided and tedious, then by all means dump me! If, on the other hand, they stimulate a desire for discourse, then let's see where it goes.

Another intention of this blog is to simply journal future experiences and to hopefully catch-up on some of the past, before my feeble memory gives out.........

Well, that's it for